TV Appearances. Podcasts. Radio. News. Publication.

Media Partnerships.

Mind, Body, Social & Spirit Wellness

Relationship Health and Wellness

Stress Management/Burnout

Fostering Connection and Community

Finding Your Life’s Purpose

Authenticity and Creativity in the Workspace

The Relationship between Music and Mental Health

Managing Entrepreneurship Anxiety

Dr. Nina offers expert knowledge in the diverse media space, based on her clinical background, training, and expertise. Media outlets gravitate to Dr. Nina for expert commentary not only for her long-standing background in science and mental health, but also in order to bring imperative, often life-saving tools to life, with her dynamic, engaging and charismatic personality. Her work in the media ascribes to her overall mission and approach to her work - to disseminate important emotional, physical, social and spiritual fitness tools to the collective. Overall, she aims to create a sense of equity, as she helps to make clinical information accessible to individuals of all backgrounds and identities.

It is important to Dr. Nina that information and programming provided in the media space is digestible and action-oriented, while backed in scientific evidence.

Podcast, TV, and Radio Interviews

Dr. Nina enjoys speaking on various topics, including anxiety, the mind and body connection, entrepreneurship identity and motivation, stress management/burnout, spirituality (e.g., finding your life purpose), and relationships. She particularly enjoys speaking about fostering connection and community, with the help of music and comedy. She is featured as a regular expert guest on Doctor Radio, NYU Langone Health - Psychiatry on Sirius Radio, addressing topics such as healthy habits, and the power of mindfulness and meditation.

Editorial Content

Dr. Nina provides her expertise on numerous topics within editorial print (written and interviews). For example, she was recently interviewed and featured with Deb Dana, LCSW, addressing the polyvagal response theory and glimmers.

Events, Retreats and Panel Discussions

Dr. Nina is available to provide expert commentary during media events, retreats, and panel discussions/Q&A.

Dr. Nina is a mental health advisor for Wondermind, a media company co-founded by Selena Gomez.

She is delighted to serve on Wondermind’s expert committee - a team of internationally renowned mental health and wellness professionals.

The company’s mission is to provide access to realistic mental fitness tools, in addition to democratizing and de-stigmatizing emotional health and wellness.

“Each moment is a chance for us to make peace with the world, to make peace possible for the world, to make happiness possible for the world.”

-Thích Nhất Hanh

You matter.

You’re not alone.